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On 24.04.10 antifascist Białystok

PříspěvekNapsal: 26 dub 2010 18:44
od Mariusz1970
On 24.04.10 antifascist demonstration was to be held in Białystok.
Shortly before beginning a group of approx. 10 neo-nazis from Blood&Honour appeared close to the gathering point. Antifascists reacted quickly and firmly. Just after few second police squad attacked Antifa demo roughly, detaining approx. 80 people. Demonstration was officially cancelled by the cops without giving any reason. The rest of gathered antifas were threatened by the pigs in many ways. Most of detained people were given 100-200 zł (25-50 Euro) fine, a dozen or so were detained overnight and was given prosecution charges.
It looks like police deliberately let B&H to provoke antifas to have an excuse for attack. It is well known fact in Białystok, that main B&H bastards have connections with the pigs.
Because of the charges we need urgent financial help for our comrades, that now will face criminal procedure which can have serious legal consequences. We count on everyone supporting radical antifascist actions. Solidarity is our weapon that need to be pointed at state repression against freedom fighters!
Please organize benefit shows, collections and whatever that can help our comrades attacked by polish state on 24.04.10 in Białystok!
Raised money should be transferred to:

PL50 1090 1447 0000 0001 0910 8536
Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Społecznych Ulica, ul. Pułaskiego 21a, Poznań, POLAND

Write: Legal Aid

Thanks in the name of all charged antifascists-
Antifa Poland